Having worked with thousands of small, medium and large businesses right through to sole traders in the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) industry, now we at Provider Marketing have certainly seen a lot of marketing mistakes that if avoided could save a boatload of precious time, money and stress.
Our amazing team of experienced marketers has put together 6 of the most common marketing mistakes that businesses in the disability sector make in the hope that it helps you avoid these pitfalls in your own NDIS registered business.
Doing what every other business is doing
Just because it works for them does NOT mean it will work for you and your business. Don’t get caught up with what others are doing. Do something different to truly stand out amongst the thousands of other NDIS providers in the market besides nobody does YOU better than YOU so go ahead and be authentic, be genuine and be you!
Promoting just sometimes
Have a strategy in place! I can’t stress enough how important it is to stay CONSISTENT. Consistency is key in marketing. You don’t have to promote 24/7 in fact we recommend opting for the 80/20 rule which is 80% of your content being useful or educational for your audience and 20% actively promoting or advertising your services but only promoting “sometimes” isn’t going to bring in new clients and certainly isn’t going to grow your business.
Not selling authentically
We touched on this a little earlier but fundamentally your audience can tell if you’re not confident or if things feel awkward. Develop your services to be unique to YOUR passion, mission and brand. As an NDIS registered business you’re working in human services and likely to be offering the same service as plenty of other companies who work within the disability and/or aged care sector but your point of difference might be HOW you offer those services. Be clear with who you are and who you’re not. Then sell, advertise and promote that message with confidence.
Not focusing on the transformation
Instead of only telling people what you offer, perhaps try to shine a light on the transformation your services bring! When you show how you’ve transformed lives or helped someone achieve their goals you’re providing that ‘wow factor’ moment to your audience, leading to deeper consideration in the decision making cycle when someone is looking for a new provider.
Providing average or less than amazing care and services
This one should be common sense and it’s arguably one of the most critical elements of successfully being able to attract new clients. What is it? Well it’s quite simply making sure that your NDIS business is providing the best possible care and services to its NDIS participants as possible. Having adequate systems, processes and a commitment to quality improvement is a guaranteed way to attract new clients because there is no better marketing tool than word of mouth. Don’t forget this very powerful ‘word of mouth’ or referral works both ways if you’re providing an amazing service chances are people will recommend your business and likewise if you’re not up to scratch people will also be quick to tell others to stay away from you.
Not paying attention to metrics
There is a wonderful saying that we love to remind our clients of and it basically says that ‘you can’t manage what you can’t measure’. You have to know what’s performing well to know what your audience is resonating with the most or enjoying/interacting with. These analytics will also show where you need to improve. Every single one of your marketing efforts should be tracked.
We hope some of these common mistakes will help you navigate your own marketing plan to ensure you're putting your best foot forward for your business.
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