Success In Social Media Marketing For Your Disability Business

Success In Social Media Marketing For Your Disability Business

There are many benefits to employing social media marketing strategies. Social media allows you to instantly communicate with a broad customer base, and interact with them to generate interest in your products, services, supports and overall business. This article provides valuable guidance on utilizing social media marketing strategies successfully. Use these tips to make your disability, allied health, NDIS or community based business more successful.

Promoting your disability business can be easier with Facebook. If you learn how Facebook works, it's possible to have your business seen and followed by hundreds, or even thousands, of people. Facebook involves the use of keywords, sharing content and using hashtags, among other things, so learn how these work.

Include YouTube in your arsenal of social media marketing tactics to attract a target audience. YouTube users are generally better leads because they have generally already seen a video you have posted, and won't click on your links unless they like what they see. It boosts sales when people who visit a product site already know what the product, service or support is about.

Create specials, exclusive offers or quality supports or special events that are exclusive to your social media sites to entice your customers to come to them. When they notice deals open only to Facebook followers, they are sure to give you greater attention and share the information with friends.

To create social media content that really markets you covertly, come up with lists. Compose a list of the top fifty weird but true facts about your product, service, support or niche. Top number lists seem a little boring to some, but they do tend to get quietly passed around the internet, providing a wonderful opportunity for your brand to get exposure.

Social media technology is constantly changing so you must remain knowledgeable in order to make sure your strategy succeeds. We run monthly NDIS Business Masterclasses to provide education to businesses on the latest in social media marketing. This is because the sites are social in nature. The interactions and regular activity keep your audience interested. A topic that will keep your readers active is that of the earning potentials that are out there.

Try creating an account on Google My Business - it's free and super easy to set up. This allows your website to easily be found including your location, contact details and the ability for clients to leave you reviews. Note the more organic traffic you get to your website the cheaper it is to advertise your business. Look up questions about issues related to your products, and write an answer mentioning your products, services or supports (common information disability participants are looking for). Creating questions and answers or some kind of FAQ on your website lends you an air of credibility and creates a sense of expertise.

Provide unique content by setting your landing page up as a reveal tab in Facebook. You can include content that is a special video your followers may find interesting, or you can do something like provide a special coupon or voucher that is redeemable on your website. Unique and engaging content keeps followers interested in what you post, and it keeps them coming back to both your Facebook page and your website.

If you own a company blog, you can update it with new content and publish it on your social media sites as well. The ability to cross promote or recycle content across multiple social media platforms is a really creative and easy way to manage your online brand. Your followers will see that you posted new content and rush to read it.

Videos are a great content for your social media marketing. Demographics show that video is the largest and fastest growing online application. You can make your old articles and posts into video presentations using screen capture and presentation tools available on the web. Add them to your YouTube profile and link them to your social media pages.

As this article has shown, there are many benefits to employing social media marketing strategies, and there are many different ways to use social media. Social media marketing could be the extra push your business needs to obtain the success you have been seeking. Apply the advice in this article, and see what social media marketing can do for you and your NDIS business. 

Do you cringe at the thought of managing your NDIS business brand or do you just not have the time to dedicate to creating and maintaining the marketing required for your business? Save time and money and outsource your marketing to Provider Marketing for as little as $1500 per month with no lock in contracts (you'll thank me later). 

Can't afford $1500 a month ($375 per week) because you're just starting out? No worries, we're here to help! Attend one of our monthly educational webinars and learn how to DIY your business marketing and social media management like a pro. Check upcoming events here 

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