When we started Provider Marketing we were determined NOT to blog. Even though we love copywriting and often enjoy reading blogs, we didn’t want to be held down by a commitment to consistently produce blog articles on a weekly, fortnightly for monthly basis for Provider Marketing.
I mean after all, what’s the point, anyway?
We proudly paraded around our decision to not have a blog until we told our super lovely business coach who paused and then said, “You need to blog.”
She said we could start out with monthly posts if weekly was too overwhelming (when we decided to start this business we already had a handful of clients and were almost working full-time and a long commute).
But she strongly encourages we factor in a blog and that as soon as possible, we should be aiming to build up to posting weekly blogs.
Over the years we’ve gotten a lot of great advice from business coaches, mentors, industry peers and even our clients on top of researching online marketing techniques like our life depends on it, but this simple advice to 'just start' was probably the best advice we received overall.
That might sound dramatic but after four years of our dear Business Coach blogging on her own website, she rarely paid for advertising because 60% of her website visitors were consistently finding her organically (including us who were readers of her blog before becoming paying customers).
What does that mean?
That means 60% of the people who click on her website are there because they typed a question into Google and her website was the first (or one of the first) sites that popped up with an answer.
And that is 100% because she writes a blog with valuable content on a consistent basis.
Here’s just some (the the many) reasons you should add a blog to your overall marketing strategy…
> You'll gain confidence. Blogging is the shy person's stage.
> There is potential financial gain.Think sponsors posts, more organic reach and less advertising costs.
> Be known as an authority in your industry, attract more customers and build your online brand.
> Helps Google flag your website as highly valuable
Maybe you're convinced to start a blog now... maybe not! If you're not sure how it fits into your marketing plan for your NDIS Provider business, contact us or download our Free Guide on '30 Specific Ways To Attract New Clients'.
Do you cringe at the thought of posting on social media or do you just not have the time to dedicate to posting quality content consistently? Save time and money and grab our social media Content Power Pack for NDIS Providers now for only $89 (you'll thank me later)